We are your first port of call for any queries or concerns, including complaints. We will handle these complaints in line with our complaints process.
Complaints Process
You may make a complaint by sending an email to complaints@esenda.com
A member of our team will confirm receipt of your complaint within two working days and work to resolve the complaint within fifteen working days. In exceptional circumstances, when a complaint requires escalation, it may take thirty five working days to respond to your complaint. If a complaint needs to escalated or falls under exceptional circumstances, you will be notified by the Customer Operations Team.
If you are unhappy with our response, you can request further assistance from the relevant government body.
If you are a resident in the UK, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Details of how to contact the FOS can be found on their website: https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/
If you are a resident in the EU, you can contact the Netherlands Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid). Details of how to contact the Kifid can be found on their website: https://www.kifid.nl/
We work with e-money and payments institution partners in providing you with our service. These partners have certain obligations as regulated financial services institutions, including around complaints. We keep them informed of the complaints we receive from you regarding the regulated payments and e-money services they ultimately provide to you. They oversee how we handle complaints to ensure we do this to the standard required under the regulations.